Police teams have visited Lhangpikot, Leisan and Thorcham Villages on account of poppy cultivation inspection.
Police teams have visited Lhangpikot, Leisan and Thorcham Villages. In the previous poppy cultivating areas of Lhangpikot village, people have now started planting cabbages, beans, potatoes and bananas and are also indulging in rearing of goats, pigs etc. They all are supporting the Govt. on our “War on Drugs". Leisan village have also stopped the cultivation of poppy, they have taken up farming of vegetables instead. We are unable to visit Thorcham’s previous plantations areas as it was too late, yet the villagers said they would not plant poppy. These areas will be visited tommorow. They have alsoshown their support on the Government’s "War on Drugs".
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