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About US

The Kangla Radio is an Independent Media and Internet Radio Service based on Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 19 and 21 to Strengthen democracy and respecting human rights and the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.  



Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1) What is Kangla Radio ?

Ans: Kangla Radio is an Independent Media and Internet Radio operated from Manipur, India.

2) What kind of content do you Publish

Ans: News and other.

3) What do you means by public funded Media house.

Ans: Kangla Radio is not a Commercial Media house. We are non profit media organisation that is funded by donation from public (Individual donors and well wisher) and institutional grant and sponsorship.

4) Do you accept Commercial or Advertisement.

Ans: We accept sponsorship by individual group and business. To contact our marketing team, Please drop an email at info@kangla.in
5) If I donate money to The Kangla Radio, Will I have any control on the type of content that Kangla Radio will publish ?

Ans: Kangla Radio heavily depend upon support from donors and patron like you. However, the news and story selection is done by a professional team of editor.

6) How can I get involved with  Kangla Radio?

Ans: Kangla Radio operates from Manipur . Your support is crucial to take Kangla Radio to the next level. There are several ways to contribute to the Kangla Radio.

a) Donate Money:- Kangla Radio is a Public funded media, This help us maintain neutrality and objectivity. Please make your Pledge today.

Check: Payable to  Raj Lakshmi Communications

Please Mail at. Citizen Radio
Uripok Ningthoukhongjam Leikai
Imphal West- 795001.
Manipur, NE India.

Click here to Pay Donate Online 

b) Volunteer your skill as a writer, Photo or Video – Journalist (Note: we have full time staff writer and Journalist working for us but welcome volunteer addition) However please note that we accept only exclusive, original and unpublished content the Kangla Radio get the copy rights over the material submitted to it. Drop and email to us at info@kangla.in

c) Volunteer your skill for social media and IT field (website maintenance and related).

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