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Support The Kangla' Radio

Your donations are needed, and gratefully accepted!

All donations to support  Kangla' Radio are voluntary, not tax-deductible, and non-refundable.

The Kanglas' Radio website and credentials are made available free of charge. (Our bandwidth, web hosting, and printing expenses are covered by donations.)

You can donate to Kangla' Radio through one of the following channels:

(1) By Cheque
You can also make contributions by cheque payable to
"Raj Lakshmi Communications ".
Our postal address is:
Uripok Ningthoukhongjam Leikai
Imphal West - 795001
Manipur, NE India
Please write your full name and postal address at the back of the cheque, an official receipt will be sent to you after we receive the contributions.
(2) By Bank Transfer:

Account Name       : Raj Lakshmi Communications
Bank Name            Bank of Baroda
Account Number   : 49000200000310
IFSC Code             : BARBOUNIMAN

(3) Donate online
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